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Martin Luther King Commemoration

BBBS was honored to be included in this year's Martin Luther King Commemoration at Blackhawk Technical College! Pictured are Big Brother Tommie and Little Brother Jacob, talking about their match and giving back to the community.

Picture provided by the Janesville Gazette

Fishing with the Abbots

Wow!! We want to send a great big thank you out to Mark and Liz Abbott who recently hosted several of our Bigs and Littles for a fishing event on their property. They put together this photo show–enjoy!!

In the news…

July 2015 – Press Release

Big Brothers, Big Sisters Partners with Boys and Girls Club of Janesville

An exciting new opportunity is developing through a partnership with Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Rock, Walworth and Jefferson Counties (BBBS) and the local Boys and Girls Club (BGC) in Janesville, WI. The club has numerous members who can benefit from caring, adult volunteers who become a Big Brother or Sister to them. BBBS desired a designated space where adult volunteers can engage in one on one mentorship with kids. Starting this fall, adults from the community can volunteer to be mentors for kids at the BGC during the school year. Recruitment is happening NOW!

Both organizations serve children, and believe that one on one mentoring is one of the best ways to engage in building character, helping with academics and improving social skills. Volunteers need to be willing to commit one hour per week to their Little Brother or Sister, and the best days at the club are Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays anytime between 3:30 and 6:30 p.m.

National statistics show that in every town where there is a Boys and Girls Club, juvenile crime goes down and graduation rates go up. Similar statistics gathered for Big Brothers Big Sisters shows that after just one year of involvement in the program the youth perform better academically, improve peer relationships, interact more positively in school, show higher self-esteem, are less likely to start using drugs and alcohol and participate in more extracurricular activities. Imagine the impact when both of these organizations pool their efforts to benefit our youth!

The goal of this project is to not only to grow the mentoring opportunities at the Janesville BGC, but to expand the programs offered to youth through Big Brothers Big Sistersto span across Rock, Jefferson and Walworth counties by eventually expanding this partnership to the club sites in Fort Atkinson and Delavan. By partnering to offer this program to area youth BGC and BBBS are working together to strengthen the opportunities for our youth.

You can become a part of this dynamic program and make a difference in the life of a child by contacting Melanie at Big Brothers Big Sisters, Rock, Walworth and Jefferson Counties at 262-728-8865 or Join in and make a difference.

April 5, 2015 – Angela Major

WHITEWATER-On the playground during recess at Lincoln Inquiry Charter School, Mikole Pierce teased Ethan Watts about a girl Ethan fancies.

“Where’s your girl?” Pierce asked Ethan.

Ethan is a fourth-grader and Pierce is a a senior at UW-Whitewater. They’re lunch buddies through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rock, Walworth and Jefferson Counties.

“Oh my God,” Ethan responded as his cheeks turned red and he playfully punched Pierce.

Pierce picked up Ethan, turned him upside down and carried him a few feet while swinging him around. The two laughed.

Ethan and Pierce were paired in January 2014 and have met weekly ever since.

Ethan can be a boy of few words.

During the first few visits, Ethan wouldn’t talk to Pierce, a member of the UW-Whitewater baseball team.

Pierce coaxed information from Ethan over games of chess. For each piece Pierce took, Ethan shared something about himself.

After a few weeks, Ethan opened up about his life at home, about school and even about a girl.

“He’s really shy when it comes to girls,” Pierce said before asking Ethan about the girl again in a quieter voice.

Ethan and Pierce have secrets.

The two talk about things they might not discuss with other people.

Ethan confides in Pierce about things at home that bother him. Pierce has talked to Ethan about life after graduation.

During lunch Wednesday, Pierce and Ethan sat across from each other at a table in the gym and shared jokes inaudible to someone a few feet away but clearly entertaining to the duo.

Pierce is one of a growing number of UW-Whitewater baseball players who volunteer with the local Big Brothers Big Sisters program.

Pierce was the first volunteer from the team. When the organization was in need of more volunteers, Pierce asked his teammates if anyone was interested.

Since then, two others have joined and more are considering it, Pierce said.

April is National Volunteer Month.

Andrea Levine, community-based program coordinator of the local Big Brothers Big Sisters program, said volunteers like Pierce and the others are invaluable to children’s education and confidence.

“They make all of the change for the children,” Levine said. “We just facilitate that… The kids are really excited to get a Big Brother or Big Sister, and the volunteers really want to help a child. They go in to it with the dedication to see it through, and amazing things happen.”

Children with Bigs are 46 percent less likely to use illegal drugs, 27 percent less likely to drink alcohol and 52 percent less likely to skip school, according to the organization’s website.

When Pierce started working with Ethan, Ethan was having trouble at school.

He had in-school suspensions, wasn’t doing his work and had trouble focusing.

As time has passed, Ethan’s behavior and work has improved. This year he has had zero in-school suspensions.

Pierce smiles when he talks about Ethan’s marked improvement, and the senior doesn’t take credit for it.

“He doesn’t really have a lot of role models, and it’s good to be one of those role models to him and help him out any way I can,” Pierce said. “I think he can trust me with just about anything. He’s pretty open with me about what he’s going through.”

Ethan was hesitant to share why he liked having Pierce around because the reporter asking questions was a female, and, as Pierce explained, Ethan is shy around girls.

Eventually Ethan, with flushed cheeks, explained he never thought about why he likes having Pierce around. He just does.

“He’s awesome,” Ethan said before looking up and over at Pierce in the hallway.

A few moments later, Ethan fist-bumped Pierce goodbye and went back to class.

Pierce is not looking forward to saying goodbye to Ethan. He’s seeking the perfect replacement from his team.

“I want to put him in good hands,” Pierce said. “I don’t want to leave him hanging.”

Helping a local student is one reason Pierce volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters. The organization was also the best fit for his schedule and a way to give back to the community.

“A lot revolves around the college, but a lot gets forgotten about the actual community of Whitewater, not the university,” Pierce said. “I transferred twice before I came here, so being able to give back to Whitewater the way Whitewater has given to me is great.”

Teammate Will Helbing chose the organization for the same reasons.

As a kid, Helbing always wanted a younger sibling that could look up to him like he did his sister.

At first, Helbing, a sophomore, and his Little were shy around each other. Now, the two hug and high-five when they see one another.

“He tells me how excited he is for me to come in on that day,” Helbing said. “I can tell it makes his day better, and it even makes my day better to come by just for an hour and hang out with someone who idolizes me. (I can) take a step back from schoolwork and baseball.

“It’s a really good relationship because we both benefit from it.”

“Group fostering bond between UW-W baseball players, local students”. Janesville GazetteXtra. April 5, 2015. Retrieved April 20, 2015. Posted with email permission.

New volunteers


Thanks to the dedication of these Exacto employees, we were able to open a new site-based mentoring site at Sharon Elementary in the Delavan-Darien School District. Pictured left to right are Jennell Juhnke, Linda Krizka, CEO Diana Braun, and Nikki Illgen. Seated is Wayne Kittell. They've already made a big impact, and we thank them for their

Be the change – be a mentor


Whether you become a volunteer or donor with Big Brothers Big Sisters, you will change lives, including your own. We're helping children throughout Rock, Walworth & Jefferson Counties discover their BIG potential through professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships, but we can't do it without you!


To make a positive difference in the lives of children (ages 6-14), primarily through a professionally supported one-to-one mentor/mentee relationship. By providing a caring adult in a youth's life, BBBS will assist them in achieving their highest potential as they grow to become confident, competent and caring individuals in our community. Big Brothers Big Sisters will work diligently to provide committed volunteers, national leadership and standards of excellence to all of our matches.


Within our tri-county area, our vision is to recruit and retain exceptional staff and volunteers who listen, discuss and support our efforts to provide quality programming.